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Youth Event @ BSSSC Annual Conference 2018

9 - 12 September, Gdansk, Poland.

It's time for the BSSSC Youth Fall Event! 

Welcome to Gdansk September 9 - 12! As many years before, the BSSSC Annual Conference kicks off with youths from all over the Baltic Sea Region meeting to have warm-up discussions on the topics to be discussed at the Annual Conference. The youth event will be from September 9-10. This year's Annual Conference is titled "Solidarity, participation and smart action for a better future" and is to take place 10-12 September. Our talks at the youth event will mainly focus on the concept of solidarity and participation. 
Info and Programme

Info and programme

The BSSSC Youth Event 2018 is organised by Pomorskie Marshal Self-government in cooperation with the II High School (II LO) in Gdansk. This year II LO has launched a project called  “The world we share”  basing on the above mentioned initiative, is going to have a form of a youth international drama workshop on the subject of “sharing the city in solidarity”. 


The main subject of the project is poverty, poverty related social exclusion and negative stereotypes related to poverty. It is addressed to the youth who are well-to-do but function within poor surroundings (location of the IILO).  The main goal of the project is to make the more fortunate youth to be aware of and sensitive to the problem of poverty and social exclusion. The project brings together social issues and culture. Within the project participants are expected to address the issue through drama performance. The ultimate goal of the project is to help build social and emotional capital among young people. Want to know more about the project and the workshop leaders? Read more. 

The BSSSC Youth Event 2018, basing on the above mentioned initiative, is going to have a form of a youth international drama workshop on the subject of “sharing the city in solidarity”. The project participants are over 20 II LO students, BSSSC youth participants and some Pomorskie Youth Council youth.

The scenario of the project:

Sunday, September 9th

  • Morning arrivals to Gdańsk, registering at the hostels in the centre of Gdańsk

  • 1230. Meet at "Happy 7" Hostel (ul. Grodzka 7). Remember comfortable clothes and shoes for the tour at 1600.

  • 13:00 – visit to the European Solidarity Centre


  • Ca. 16:00 – sightseeing of Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district – where II LO is located – to get the feeling of the project background.

  • Dinner and mingle 


Monday, September 10th


  • 9:00 – ca. 12:00 - Youth project meeting – Pomorskie Marshal’s Office - ul Augustyńskiego 1. , Polish Sky conference room (read more about the Polish Sky). Remember comfortable shoes and clothes as there will be quite a bit of physical activity in this session. 

Part I – introduction (45 min.) - consists of the introduction and the warm-up activates which will integrate the performing group and prepare them to work with their bodies, emotions, teach them how to focus and introduce them to the subject of the workshop.

Part II – drama process (45 min.) - consists of individual and group improvised exercises and tasks related to building social ties and to creating a city based on the solidarity value.

Part III – closing session (45 min.) – a summary of joint workshop work, gathering a database of ideas for young people to take bottom-up artistic activities in their own communities.

  • Lunch

  • 13:00 - 17:00 Preparation for the BSSSC Annual Conference 

  • 18:00 Participation in the BSSSC Annual Conference events (The BSSSC Annual Conference continues to September 12). 



Contact information:


BSSSC Contact

Ms. Małgorzata Ludwiczek

tel. + 48 91 42 10 322

mludwiczek (at)


Host Region

Ms. Krystyna Wróblewska 

tel. +48 58/32 68 701
K.Wroblewska (at)


The organizer reserves the right to changes in the programme.

Practical Information and Registration

The cost

The sending region covers the cost of travel. If you are a youth and want to go, please contact your host region (local youth coordinator) first. The hosts in Gdansk covers the costs of accommodation and catering during the youth event and the AC for the youth participants. The youth participation in the AC is free of charge (no conference participation fee).


The hostels booked for the youth event are Happy Seven Hostel and La Gitarra Hostel. They are very nice hostels located in the heart of the Gdańsk Old (or Main) Town. The Hostels are pre-booked by the host region, so if you want to register for the youth event please only register for the youth event below (registration) and don't book your own accomodation. 


The registration to the BSSSC AC and the youth event has been opened, so please register individually via the website, do not forget to tick “youth” or “civil” in the web registration form. Deadline for registration is August 18. 


Getting from Gdańsk Lech Wałęsa Airport to City Centre –main railway station by bus:

bus 210 to Gdańsk Główny (Railway Station), direction Gościnna. Timetable (Sundays):




8:35 to 20:35 (every hour)



Tickets can be bought :

  • at a ticket vending machine near the terminal entrance,

  • a Relay store (in the main hall at the airport)

  • or directly from bus driver when entering the bus at the bus stop, with the exact amount of money.

3,80 PLN - single full fare ticket up to 60 minutes (more information:

IMPORTANT! the tickets should be validated immediately at the nearest ticket validator on-board.

The easiest way to get from the main railway station to your hostel is to go on foot. Click the link below to see the map:


Getting from Gdańsk Lech Wałęsa Airport to your hostel by taxi.

Recommended taxi company: NEPTUN TAXI  +48 58 196 86 +48 58 511 15 55 +48 800 170 700

The taxi cost should be around 75 PLN


Useful addresses

Background Information

The II LO is active socially and internationally – one of their initiatives organised in cooperation with the European Solidarity Centre has been Erasmus + project “Migration – Challenge, Change and Chance”


This year II LO has launched a project “Bardzo wspólny świat”  - “The world we share” financed within the  Culture Network programme initiated by Instytut Kultury Miejskiej   .


The “World we share” project is one of 7 winning project in 2018. The main subject of the project is poverty, poverty related social exclusion and negative stereotypes related to poverty. It is addressed to the youth who are well-to-do but function within poor surroundings (location of the IILO).  The main goal of the project is to make the more fortunate youth to be aware of and sensitive to the problem of poverty and social exclusion. The project brings together social issues and culture. The project was prepared by Ms Rita Jankowska – social animator, playwright, director who has established Teatr Błękitna Sukienka. It was done in cooperation with Marian Pułtuski – teacher of religion, ethics and philosophy. Within the project participants are expected to address the issue through drama performance. The Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk via Sławek Lipnicki - one of its teachers is also involved. The ultimate goal of the project is to help build social and emotional capital among young people.

Workshop leaders

Ms Rita Jankowska – drama director, playwright, social animator, founder of Theater Blue Dress (Teatr Błękitna Sukienka) /2011/. She has initiated and implemented many theatrical and social projects, including: Theater with the community of Orunia (district of Gdansk), Theatrical Port of Women at Łaźnia Center for Contemporary Art; Theater Krukowa 12 with women imprisoned in detention ward in Gdansk; Shipyard Theater, European Solidarity Center in Gdansk; Theater with the community of Biskupia Górka ( district of Gdansk).


In 2016, she received the Special Award of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodship for outstanding services in the field of artistic creation and dissemination and protection of culture for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Pomorskie Voivodeship. She is also a scholarship holder of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship for Culture Creators, 2016.


Since 2005, she has been the author of theatrical projects with children and youth, including: Theater “Na Skraju” for the youth from Nowy Port and Shipyard (districts of Gdansk), annual preventive projects such as: “Thinking like a mountain, feeling like a river” for children from dysfunctional families; winner of many awards for Theater Group performances ADHD with primary and secondary school  No. 8 in Gdansk and  interdisciplinary Workshops on “Courage of Being” in high school LINGWISTA in Gdansk and VI LO High School in Gdansk, as well as a project on migration and exile of "Monster Experts" in II LO High School in Gdańsk.


Mr. Marian Pułtuski - teacher of religion, philosophy and ethics at the Secondary School No. 2 (II LO) in Gdańsk; drama coach; coordinator of the Erasmus Plus project, coordinator of the theatrical and social project "Monster experts" on migration and exile, and coordinator of the project "The World we Share" about poverty and a solidarity city.

Have you ever heard about Gdańsk Wrzeszcz?


Wrzeszcz Disctrict is located about 5 kilometers from the Gdansk Old (Main) City. It is a district with very rich history and also the place where the Nobel laureate in Literature Günter Grass spent his childhood. Nowadays, Wrzeszcz has become the heart of the Tri-City student community and a fashionable commercial zone. Apart from the Gdansk biggest shopping mall – Galeria Bałtycka (, you can find here a lot of interesting places and attractions. The most popular area for the young generation is Garrison ( – new cultural center of Wrzeszcz in the historical complex of the former army barracks. Another interesting development is Browar Gdański (Gdansk Brewery –, which blends modernity with history and thus revitalize the so-called Lower Wrzeszcz. This design investment means  a second life to the old buildings of the Gdańsk famous brewery opened in 1873. The new Brewery Centre will include the Cultural Gdansk Brewery project, which will provide facilities for ambitious cultural events and a selection of intriguing restaurants. Apart from its unforgettable eclectic atmosphere, where the past smoothly mingles with the future, you can also find here some modern sports facilities such as JUMPCITY Gdańsk – the largest trampoline park in northern Poland and a great place to spend your free time.

The first thing that makes Wrzeszcz District special is its name. Probably you have already realized that its pronunciation is quite hard for foreigners (V-zeh-sh-ch). Some people may know this district under the old German name Langfuhr, however the current name was created from the combination of the two earlier used words. Wrest and Wrzost, which means heather – wrzos in Polish (once there was a forest with moorland).

Visiting Wrzeszcz is impossible without mentioning the outbreak of the WWII, especially when you walk along the Grunwaldzka Street – the main road which was previously called Adolf-Hitler-Straße. An important element of Lower Wrzeszcz is the Second High School, due to the fact that it was the first educational institution established on the Polish Coast after the Second World War. Already in September 1945, thanks to the teachers' efforts, the first matriculation exam was held for students who had not been able to complete school at the proper  time due to the outbreak of WWII. Regarding the architecture of this area, it should be added that some buildings did not survive the war and they were demolished in the post-war period. For a long time Wrzeszcz was associated with post-war neglect but as you can see the situation has been changing by now.

It is also good to be aware that in the 18-19th century Wrzeszcz ( so called Upper Wrzeszcz) became a fashionable place with manor houses with rooftop gardens. It was a time of intense modernization – in 1870 the Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz railway station was built, not much later a tramline introduced, Gdańsk University of Technology and the Medical Academy were opened. Some of the beautiful buildings still exist in this area surrounded by nice greenery.

Nowadays, after years of neglect, Wrzeszcz again returns to its splendor!


Background Information
Practical Info and Registration

From left: Martin Ruemmelein (BSSSC Youth Board Member) Kari Lie (former Youth Board Member) and Timo Nikolaisen (BSSSC Youth Board Member). 
Photo: Lars Godbolt, BSSSC.

BSSSC Chairmanship


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