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  • Lower prices on cultural events and attractions


  • Cultural card  - a card that gives youth free admission to certain cultural attractions


Photos: Lars Godbolt, BSSSC

Youth Event 2017

The BSSSC loves working with youth because they provide us with new perspectives, clever ideas and solutions - and tons of energy. 

From September 18-20 in Trebnitz, Germany, around 15 youths from the BSSSC Youth Network met to discuss cultural heritage, sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the EU cohesion policy. The youths presented their suggestions at the BSSSC Annual Conference the days after the Youth Event. They also participated as panelists in both workshops on cultural heritage and the SDGs and also in the preliminary sessions. 

Video credit: Andreas Schoop

The BSSSC Youth Event - solutions for six SDGs that are very relevant for the Baltic Sea Region

1. Partnerships for sustainable development

  • Introduce youth organizations/representatives in all the possible international partnerships

  • Several partnerships, Important to have an adult youth partnership. Great idea to have a mandatory quota for including youth in sustainable development projects.                 

  • Support research and development initiatives in relevant to Sustainable Development fields of study, make a mandatory quota for including students/young scientists in these projects.


2. Transition to a sustainable economy

  • Mandatory recycling                  

  • Media campaigns to promote recycling

  • Making the responsible choice the cheapest choice

  • Restrict shopping. Promote second-hand shopping

  • Responsible government procurement

3. Climate action        

  • Phase out gasoline/diesel transport

  • Limit the emission of climate gases

  • Outlaw the use of environmentally unfriendly chemicals

  • Solar panels on roofs. Allow private energy harvesting

  • BSR CO2-neutral power grid

  • Green energy without noise/rising costs

  • BSR exchange of information and international support concerning green energy

4. Equality and social well-being for all

  • Reducing voting age to 16

  • Try out participatory budgeting in cities together with young people, allowing young people decide on how to use a certain part of the city budget

  • Create co-decision-making structures with youth

  • Create events where young people and decision-makers get to discuss with each other

  • Make politics understandable. Involve young people in simplifying the language

  • Same salary for same work, regardless of age or gender


5. Creating Sustainable and Resilient Cities

  • Changing approaches to developing: create self-sufficient, eco-friendly and comfortable neighborhoods

  • Stimulate deurbanization initiatives e.g. tax incentives to remove headquarters towards smaller towns/suburban areas, creating new workplaces in suburban and rural areas

  • Promote circularity in socio-economic systems of urban areas

  • Develop more places for co-working and gathering to promote cooperation between different professionals and social groups.

6. Quality Education and Lifelong learning for all

  • Providing youth organisations with meeting places & funding

  • Provide micro-grants for projects initiated by young people

  • International BSR youth online platform

  • Include youth in political discussions and decision-making

BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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