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The BSSSC Working Group

on Youth Policy 

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The Working Group on Youth Policy

Youth policy is one of the main priorities of the BSSSC. Since the establishing of the BSSSC, youth work and youth events have been supported and promoted by the BSSSC Board.


In 2001 during the Pomeranian Region BSSSC chairmanship youth issues become an important working area. In 2002 youth workers network was established and young people participated for the first time in the BSSSC Annual Conference. In 2002-2004 the network organized many different seminars for the youth. In March 2004 Youth work was transferred to the BSSSC Ad hoc Working Group on Youth Policy.


Today the work group consists of civil servants and youth representatives from the participating BSSSC subregions. The working group meets at least twice a year, where current work and youth related issues are discussed.

Our mission

The Working Group on Youth Policy brings together youth workers and youth representatives from the Baltic Sea Region.


The main task of the working group is to provide the Board and the BSSSC regions with information on youth policies in the Baltic sea region, to ensure the dialogue between the Board and young people; prepare position papers, initiate own projects and events, and exchange best practices in the field of youth work.


BSSSC shall have a youth network consisting of at least one representative from each of the Baltic sea region countries. The youth network shall convene at least twice a year – one of them being in connection with the annual conference. The youth network shall elect two members to the Board for a two year period at the time. The youth network can take part in all the work of the BSSSC.

Youth Board Members

Miro Broswitz 

Brandenburg, Germany


Elias Arndt

Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Christopher Lucht
Youth Coordinator
Perspective Europa
Brandenburg, Germany

Foto Lucht.bmp
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» Events

Autumn Youth Event & BSSSC Annual Conference 2020 - Summary

Youth activity in Corona-times

This autumn our Baltic Youth Group was, despite corona lockdown, extremely creative. The result is this BSR-compilation of comments, recommendations and new project ideas for the after Corona time.

Autumn Youth Event 2020

Register today for BSSSC Autumn Youth Event! 💗

Don't hesitate and register today for BSSSC Autumn Youth Event!

The online, interactive discussions on:

  1. Circular economy and plastic-free Baltic

  2. Baltic identity & culture

  3. Intelligent transport and mobility

  4. Cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region and the two Baltic Strategies

will be held on three afternoons of 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September, from 14.00 to 18.00 CET.

To register click here:

Event programme is available: here

Baltic Sea Youth in times of Corona

The current COVID 19 crisis brought societal disruptions and had large economic consequences. But has it additionally weakened and isolated young people?

During the BSSSC Spring Youth Event – online edition 2nd-5th June 2020 -  we gave young people the opportunity to exchange views on the Corona crisis and to discuss the lessons learned with experts and politicians from around the Baltic Sea Region. Particularly we discussed the corona-impact on youth in connection with four UN Sustainable Development Goals - the Climate crisis and the European Green Deal, digitalisation, education and finally democracy and youth participation.

The Younger Side of the Baltic Sea Region.

Youth initiatives contributing to the common goals of the EU Strategy of the Baltic Sea Region.

I met Julia and Martin for the first time almost two years ago. It was in September, at an annual conference of Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation (BSSSC) in Gdańsk. For her, it was just the onset of an adventure into the Baltic Affairs. For him, it was a big step forward. At that time Martin was in the middle of his cadency at BSSSC Board as a Baltic Sea Region Youth representative and he had already earned his reputation as an engaged and visionary lad with lots of ideas on the youth empowerment in the Baltic Sea Region.

BSSSC Spring Youth Event 2020 - Digital Edition

June 2020

BSSSC invites Youth to meet online for Spring Event 2020! 

Youth have the voice!​

In these difficult times of COVID-19 pandemic, which has already changed our lives and mindsets, we believe that maintaining communication is even more important than before. We, in the Baltic Sea Region, want to speak across generations on the most important issues. On our fears and ambitions, on the problems we face and the solutions that can be undertaken.

BSSSC Youth looking towards a bluer Baltic Sea

September 2019

The BSSSC Youth Network met 16-18 September in Klaipeda, Lithuania to discuss sustainable blue economy and have their say at the BSSSC Annual Conference. .

Read more.

Baltic Youth Camp: 100 youth voices - 1 declaration

September 2019

The Baltic Sea Youth Camp was a big gathering for youths in Gdansk, Poland, June 8-11 2019 with a focus on cultural identity, common understanding and sustainable development. For a while after the Camp some youths have gathered all the ideas from the camp and made it into one final declaration. Read the declaration here.

Baltic Youth Camp finished

June 2019

The Baltic Sea Youth Camp was a big gathering for youths in Gdansk, Poland, June 8-11 2019 with a focus on cultural identity, common understanding and sustainable development. Read the summary and find photos of the event here.

Read more.

Successful BSSSC youth event held in Kaliningrad, Russia

April 2019

About thirty youths from the Baltic Sea Region met between April 7-9 in Kaliningrad, Russia, to discuss how to build mutual understanding in the region. 

Read more.

Join us in Kaliningrad, Russia, for the BSSSC Youth Spring Event 2019!

February 2019

Dear Youth!


The Agency for Youth Affairs of Kaliningrad Region invites you to take part in the International Youth Conference of the Baltic Sea countries  from April 14th to 16th, 2019. The theme of the Youth Event is "Culture, industry of creativity, regional identity".

The Youth Event will address issues and misunderstandings that may arise when different cultures meet. Therefore, the participants will with the help of the      Media Center from the Kaliningrad State Technical University, try to create a full-fledged media product about their vision of the common cultures of the Baltic Sea countries.

The youth event will also give the youths possibility to talk about cultural exchanges through regular film festivals in countries and regions of the Baltic Sea with the art director of the Zarya-cinema, Artem Ryzhkov. The youths will also get a sneak preview of the program of the Film Festival “Koroche”.

The youths will also be given the opportunity to personally communicate with the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region, Anton Alikhanov, in an informal setting.

The hosts will also show and tell the youth participants about Russian traditions and together visit the sights of the Kaliningrad region. For more details – go here. 

Save the date for the Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2019!

December 2018

Save the date for the brand new Baltic Sea Youth Camp 2019!
The Baltic Youth Camp is a three-day festival where youth representatives from the Baltic Sea Region gather to explore friendship, culture and politics through workshops, small seminars and social activities. We welcome you to the first Baltic Youth Camp gathering! Join us and explore cultural identity and friendships in the Baltic Sea Region. Raise your voice and learn how to influence politics, share your viewpoints on cultural and political topics, meet politicians and stakeholders face to face, join in several interesting workshops on art, technology, human rights, ecology, sustainability and heritage. Enjoy excursions, sports and music. t 
Read more here!


BSSSC Youth Event Gdansk 2018

September 2018

BSSSC youth tracing the steps of Lech Walesa
Back to back with the BSSSC Annual Conference, about twenty youths from all around the Baltic Sea Region met together for the BSSSC Fall Youth Event. They discussed solidarity and participation in Lech Walesa's home work town: Gdansk. 
Read more here!


Join the BSSSC Youth Event Fall 2018!

September 2018

It's time for the BSSSC Youth Fall Event! 

Welcome to Gdansk September 9 - 10! As many years before, the BSSSC Annual Conference kicks off with youths from all over the Baltic Sea Region meeting to have warm-up discussions on the topics to be discussed at the Annual Conference. This year's Annual Conference is titled "Solidarity, participation and smart action for a better future" and is to take place 10-12 September. Our talks at the youth event will mainly focus on the concept of solidarity and participation. 
Read more here! 

BSSSC Youth Event Finland 2018 finished

April 2018

Youth Event in Finland finished! 
Mandatory and pan-Baltic recycling system, electric planes and mandatory youth hearing with local parliaments. These were just a few of the ideas the youths presented at the BSSSC Youth Event in Hämeenlinna, Finland 18-20 April. Make sure to read the declaration as well.
Read more here! 

Read the declaration here!

BSSSC Youth Event fall 2017 finished


The BSSSC loves working with youth because they provide us with new perspectives, clever ideas and solutions - and tons of energy. 

From September 18-20 in Trebnitz, Germany, around 15 youths from the BSSSC Youth Network met to discuss cultural heritage, sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the EU cohesion policy. The youths presented their suggestions at the BSSSC Annual Conference the days after the Youth Event. They also participated as panelists in both workshops on cultural heritage and the SDGs and also in the preliminary sessions. 

Read more here.

Join the BSSSC Youth Event 2017!

August 2017

Are you a youth eager to join discussions on the way forward for the Baltic Sea Region? Join us again (or for the first time) for the BSSSC Youth Event 2017 and the 25th BSSSC Annual Conference! 


The youth event will take place from 18 September 16.30 to 20 September 18:00 in Potsdam, Germany. The 25h Annual BSSSC Conference will be the days after, from September 21 to September 22. 

The BSSSC Youth Event 2017 will take place in Trebnitz and for the BSSSC AC we’ll go to in Potsdam. Both events focus on discussions about cohesion policy, cultural heritage, and Baltic2030 with its main subject to be: Cohesion = Togetherness - People working together across borders in the Baltic Sea Region.

The BSSSC Youth Event 2017 is a chance to gain loads of knowledge, based on interacting and sharing experience is an opportunity to create new ideas and, friendships, partnerships and showing support to development of the Baltic Sea Region.

Apart from that, as always, you’ll meet active and involved youngsters from local and regional youth councils and NGOs of the Baltic Sea Region.

So if you are connected with your local/regional council of the BSSSC member country and interested in the BSR issues contact your regional BSSSC representative or Malgorzata Ludwiczek ( mludwiczek -at- ) and more info will be sent to you directly.

See you there!

Advocating the voice of the youth at the EUSBSR Annual Forum

June 2017

June 13-14 the BSSSC participated in the EUSBSR (EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region) 8th Annual Forum. At the forum we arranged a seminar about youth inclusion.


The theme of the 8th Annual Forum of the EUSBSR was connectivity. The forum underlined the necessity to intensify contacts throughout the Baltic Sea Region including its neighboring regions to develop a better awareness of each other’s perspectives. Key note speakers were among others Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany, and Martti Ahtisaari, former President of Finland and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. The BSSSC especially welcomed the latter speaker's emphasis on the need to invest in youth.


During the forum, the BSSSC, Union of the Baltic Cities and Euroregion Baltic - ERB arranged a workshop on youth inclusion called "Nothing about us without us - making it happen". The three organizations presented their work on youth, and representatives from the three respective youth networks were also present to have their say in youth inclusion in the Baltic Sea Region. The interesting discussions between youth, politicians and civil officers that followed illustrated the vast differences of young people's situation in each country. While some felt their voices were being heard, others felt hopeless and wanted to move abroad. It was pointed out that even in hopeless times it will get better and that they must not give up fighting - raising your voice is an important part of democracy.

Roger Ryberg, Chairman of the BSSSC summed up the seminar by saying that "the situation for young people in the Baltic Sea Region today also underlines the extreme importance for organizations such as ours to keep on pushing for youth inclusion and their right to be heard. They are the future, after all."

The BSSSC has two seats in our Board reserved for youth. One of our youth board members, Ms. Kari Lie, participated in the seminar "Connecting the voice of youth for a sustainable future of the Baltic Sea region". At the seminar it was concluded that the sustainable development goals (SDG) of the UN must be better communicated, as many yong people work with areas that are included in the SDGs, but they are not aware of this because the youth are not familiar with the SDGs and what they stand for. Including the SDGs in education is therefore of strong importance, says Ms. Kari Lie. 

See the gallery for more pictures. 

Youth conference arranged back to back with EUSBSR annual forum

June 2017

Berlin, Germany. Around twenty youths discussed concrete measures on how to involve youth in policy making in the Baltic Sea Region. 

Together with Euroregion Baltic - ERB and Union of the Baltic Cities - UBC we have during the last two days arranged a youth seminar for our respective youth networks. Our skilled youth participants discussed several concrete measures on how to increase youth participation in political processes. The results will be presented at the Annual Forum 2017 of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region in the seminar "Nothing about us without us - making it happen!". 

See the gallery for more pictures. 

The BSSSC Youth Event 2016 - Cultural Inclusion & Baltic Sea Vision 2030

September 2016

The BSSSC Youth Event will be organized in Hämeenlinna Finland back-to-back with the 24th BSSSC Annual Conference. There will
be two participatory workshops addressing currently important themes of Cultural Inclusion and Baltic Sea Vision 2030. The results of the workshops will be presented at the BSSSC Annual Conference.
Youth policy is one of the main priorities of the BSSSC. Since the establishing of the BSSSC,youth work and youth events have been supported and promoted by the BSSSC Board. Today the work group consists of civil servants and youth representatives from the participating BSSSC subregions.

BSSSC WG Youth meeting in Drammen, Eastern Norway

April 2015

BSSSC Youth Event: Youth For Work!

October 2013

The BSSSC Youth Event 2013: Youth for Work! was organized in Helsinki, Finland on the 15th and 16th of October 2013 back-to-back with the 21st BSSSC Annual Conference (see the programme). Altogether 37 youth representatives from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Poland and Russia participated in the event. The project was partly funded by the Youth in Action Programme.

Baltic Sea Youth Meeting in Szczecin

March 2013

"The Baltic Sea Youth Meeting" was yet another gathering of the BSSSC Working Group on Youth Policy which, in addition to its members, involved representatives of other Baltic organisations and networks, including the B7 Baltic Islands Networks, UBC, the Four Corners Youth Parliament and the Centre for Youth Cooperation. Between 21 & 23 March, members of the Baltic organisations from Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Germany came to Szczecin to join young people from the Westpomeranian and Pomeranian Regions in developing a future model for international cooperation.

All about energy efficiency

September 2012

Between 17th and 19th of September the BSSSC 20th Annual Conference was held in Lillestrom, Norway. As normal, prior to the Annual Confe   rence the Youth Event of BSSSC Youth Network took place. The main topic of the youth meeting was energy efficiency - that is why it was called GREEN; the acronym stands for Gathering on Regional Energy Efficiency in Norway.

Youth Board Member is elected


During the GREEN Conference in Oslo the new Board Member to the BSSSC Board was elected. The new youth representant is Kevin Kiraga from Westpomeranian Region.
Kevin Kiraga is an active member of the Youth Democrats Association in Świnoujście. At the same time he study International Relations at the University of Szczecin.
Kevin Kiraga took place over Ingrid Klemp and together with another youth Board Member Vladimir Svet will represent the youth group for the next year.

Preparatory meeting for international youth seminar – GREEN

May 2012

Between 10-12 May 2012 a meeting of young people from the Working Group on Youth Policy was held in Tallinn. The capital of Estonia welcomed 30 participants from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Germany and of course Estonia with beautiful and sunny weather.

Youth seminar organized by the 19th BSSSC Annual Conference in Szczecin

October 2011

What is the role of volunteering in development of social cohesion? What are the results of European Union’s cohesion policy? Answers for those questions were searching the participants of international youth seminar that took place during the 19th Annual BSSSC Conference.

New Youth Board Member is elected

October 2011

During the Youth Event by the 19th BSSSC Annual Conference the new Board Member to the BSSSC Board was elected. The new youth representant is Vladimir Svet from Tallin, Estonia.
Vladimir is an active member of the Tallinn Youth Council, a climber, a hicker. At the same time he study law at the University of Tartu.  - What am I doing in my spare time? Trying to make the life of my friends more and more attractive, not only in Tallinn, but also in the Baltic Sea Region – says Vladimir.
Vladimir Svet will take place over Paweł Grządko from Westpomeranian Region and together with another youth Board Member Ingrid Klemp will represent youth group for the next year.

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BSSSC Chairmanship


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