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Policy Work

The Board can set up ad hoc working groups. Such groups shall work within the policy areas and priorities of BSSSC on a demand driven basis, to be determined by the Board. Possible work to be undertaken by the ad-hoc working groups could relate to issues raised by the EU Commission.

Each ad hoc working group shall be chaired by a member of the Board and have a written assignment decided upon by the Board. The working groups shall develop a work plan to be presented to the Board and report to the Board at the Board meetings.


The Board may also appoint rapporteurs for specific policy areas – especially in areas not covered by working groups. The rapporteurs have given oral reports and information in the Board meetings. Some rapporteur tasks have been taken care of by civil servants supporting the board members.

Based on the BSSSC long term strategy and the BSSSC bi-annual work plan prepared by the Chairmanship – the Board will agree on a distribution of responsibilities among its members. Both Board members and civil servants can be given the role as Rapporteur to the Board on specific policy areas and tasks. Ad hoc Rapporteurs and Rapporteurs to relevant Baltic Sea Region (BSR) organisations and programmes may also be appointed.

Policy Areas

Cross cutting themes:
BSSSC Policy Areas 2024/25:
Other BSSSC Policy areas:

BSSSC Vision 2030

To facilitate dialogue, partnerships and strengthen interregional cooperation in line with the SDGs - creating a more sustainable, better accessible and more prosperous Baltic Sea Region (BSR) – putting local and regional policy makers and the young generation at the heart of its work.  

Policy areas towards 2030

  Cohesion policy and programmes – in particular Interreg - 2021 – 2027 and beyond (SDGs: 10, 16, 17)
 Environment, climate, energy and circular economy (SDGs: 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) 
Transport and accessibility – transport corridors and clean transport (SDG 9, 11) 
Culture and creativity (SDGs: 8, 11)
Youth involvement and empowerment – supporting the establishment of a One Youth Platform (SDGs: 4, 10, 16)
Maritime policy - Blue Economy and protection of the marine environment (SDGs: 8, 9, 14) 
» Priorities
BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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