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The administrative division of Poland since 1999 has been based on three levels of subdivision. The territory of Poland is divided into voivodeships (regions); these are further divided into powiats (counties or districts), and these in turn are divided into gminas (communes or municipalities). Major cities normally have the status of both gmina and powiat.


Poland currently has 16 voivodeships, on this level there is governmental representative (voivod) and self-governmental authority. Voivodeship self-government is on independent legal identities. It has its own budget and extensive powers in the area of economic policy. The regional parliament known as Sejmik is the decision making body elected in general elections. The Sejmik, in turn, elect executive body (regional board) to exercise the executive authority which is headed by the elected Marshal.


The voivodeship is responsible for the regional development policy programmes, whose primary purpose is to ensure that the country human and material capital is put to best use. The tasks of the voivodeship self-government are concentrated in three major areas: economic development, some regional public services and international co-operation.

Pomeranian Region

Contact person

Ms Monika Pochroń-Frankowska 

Westpomeranian Region

Contact person

Mr Joanna Iwancz 

BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

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