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Last BSSSC Board Meeting under the Pomorskie Chairmanship!

BSSSC Board met on the last Board Meeting in 2021, and the last under a two-year presidency of Pomorskie Region. The meeting gathered nearly thirty people - representatives of member regions, partner organizations, and networks as well as the youth, both digitally and physically in Brussels.

BSSSC Board met on the last Board Meeting in 2021, and the last under a two-year presidency of Pomorskie Region. The meeting gathered nearly thirty people - representatives of member regions, partner organizations, and networks as well as the youth, both digitally and physically in Brussels.

Our Board Members met on the 1st December, in a hybrid model, and discussed various topics concerning cohesion-, culture-, and maritime policy, youth cooperation and so significant to all Baltic Sea regions - European issues.

It was also an occasion to present a brief sum-up of the Pomorskie Chairmanship and all activities taken during the presidency. In addition to the matters mentioned earlier, Innovation Transfer Group results, and the outcomes of the 29th Annual Conference, hosted by Kaliningrad Region was submitted. The Board Meeting involved the presence of special guests – Mr Janusz Lewandowski, Member of the European Parliament, Mr Bernd Hemingway (Council of the Baltic Sea States), Ms Lucille Ehrhart (Baltic Sea Commission CPMR), and Mr Bodo Bahr (Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference). Thanks to them, BSSSC community could discuss and exchange ideas and plans for the future.

BSSSC Chairman - Mieczysław Struk welcomed the incoming presidency of Zachodnio-pomorskie and handed over the BSSSC Chair to Marshal Olgierd Geblewicz. The official ceremony took place on the 2nd, December, during the sessions of the Committee of Regions.

As Pomorskie Team we thank all Board Members, Civil, and Observers for invaluable support in pursuing our duties and the great atmosphere.

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