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29th BSSSC Annual Conference 2021

- A cooperation for a more sustainable Baltic Sea Region. New opportunities ahead - 


October, 7 - 8th

Kaliningrad Region, Russia Federation & Online

July 21st, 2021

BSSSC has the pleasure to invite you to our yearly Conference. This time we will mostly focus on the following subjects:

1. Regions & cities as drivers of a green & digital transition in the Baltic Sea Region

2. Programmes in support of sustainable cross - border cooperation & green transformation

3. Break - up sessions (parallel):

  • Culture & Sustainability by Schleswig – Holstein (DE)

  • Supporting green business by Pomorskie (PL)

  • Green mobility & transport by ENCN (NO)

  • Ecological situation of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM)

4 Wrap-up session by youth

5. Keynote speech by the representative of the Kaliningrad Region

6. Presentation of the Conference Resolution

7. Study tour provided by the Kaliningrad Region

 Be there with us and watch the Conference stream: 

Stream – 7th of October


Stream – 8th of October

You can download the conference agenda by clicking the button below.


You can download the overwiev of the parallel sessions by clicking the button below.


You can register to the Conference under a dedicated link: 



save the date BSSSC Annual Conference 2021
BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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