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14th BSSSC Annual Conference

20-22 September 2006, Kiel (Germany)

The 14th Annual Conference of the Baltic Sea States Subregional cooperation network took place in Kiel, Germany on 20-22 September 2006. A truly suitable place for a conference with the main topics of transport infrastructure, and a discussion about the EU's Green Paper on a European Maritime Policy from a Baltic Sea perspective.

Mr Joe Borg, member of the European Commission with responsibility for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, participated during the whole conference. He received a declaration on the Green Paper from the conference and took part of the work shop conclusions.

Select event
BSSSC Chairmanship


Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Areas, European Affairs and Consumer Protection of Land Schleswig-Holstein

Fleethörn 29-31
24103 Kiel


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Unit for Baltic Sea Region Affairs


+49 431 988 - 2116

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